
I have entered my recent photobook to a competition, please take the time to vote for the book. You vote by clicking “Tip na CEWE FOTOKNIHU měsíce. Stále můžete hlasovat” when you go to the page below and enter your email address. You will then get an email, just click on the first link in the email to confirm the vote is from a REAL person.

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6 − four =

Best Prague Wedding Photographer – The Prague Photographer

Who is the best Prague Wedding Photographer? Well now there is a impossible questions to answer. Photography is a art and like all art is it incredibly subjective. An image that one person loves is another persons idea of a joke. For the most part my wife loves my photographers, but some she just doesn’t get. Usually when I intentionally make a large portion of the image blurred leave just a small section of the image in perfect focus. If done well this can create some really interesting and unique images, but my wife would just say “same it is not in focus”. Well each to their own.


So back to the question in hand, who is the best photographer in Prague? Like most major cities Prague has many amazing photographers, so the question you really need to ask yourself is, who is the best photographer for YOU. The first thing to do of course is to have a look at their images, do you like them? If yes then that is a good place to start. Then I would suggest you talk to them, especially if you are looking at them to take pictures of your wedding ceremony or wedding reception, if not both. It means that you will be spending quite a bit of time together during the day and you need somebody that you feel you can get along with. Use the phone call to create an initial impression and short-list of your  top photographer choices. Then try and get a meeting with them, face to face, if you gel, get, if not move onto the next. It will also be a good time to see if they have any good advice for you (like this;-). Never under estimate picking a photographer that has good advice for you, if he or she is welling to just let you turn up for a photo session without giving you some tips on how to look good you have to question how good you will end up looking. And more importantly how much they care about that

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six − 6 =

Portrait and Wedding Photographer Prague – The Album Issue

A Wedding Photographer Prague view on the Traditional wedding Album.

Portrait and Wedding Photographer Prague, Peter Knight loves taking pictures, but feels it import to share some other thoughts as well. Does this sound familiar? You go round to visit some newly married friends of yours, you managed to time it just “right” and there wedding album was delivered only a couple of days ago! This happened to me once, before I became a wedding photographer Prague, and I could not believe my eyes, it took both of them to carry the album into the room. It looked like 4 hardback copies of Lord of the Rings stuck together. There was 1 maybe 2 images on each page and there was a copy of every image taken that day in the book. Of course you can not rush from page to page, so I found a VERY comfortable chair and settled myself in for the evening. I prefer something a little less shocking to pass around. And these Coffee Table Books are just perfect for a Portrait Photographer Prague or a Wedding Photographer Prague to use. I usually go for the 26, 34 or 42 page models. I know 42 pages sounds a lot, but you fly through it. The images are printed on photo paper, so they look great, but the book isn’t very think, so people do not feel so drastically overwhelmed when you take it out for them to look at. Here are a few examples:


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× 6 = thirty

Wedding Photography Packages – Wedding Photographer Prague

3 Hour Wedding Photographer Prague Package

As many wedding photography locations as you’d like. We are with you for up to 3 hours. All your digital files, likely somewhere between 200 and 400+ photographs. Black and white or antique sepia conversion of some of your prints. Beautiful professional retouching using Photoshop on your pictures. We really take pride in our post production arts. Your photographs will be stunning. A classy on-line gallery of your best photographs… for your friends and family.

We will be with you for up to 3 hours
200-400+ digital photographs
Full post production on all images
Your top photos emailed to you within 5 days optimized for Facebook & easy sharing
A DVD with all your digital photographs
You keep full rights to all your digital files and photos!

6 Hour Wedding Photographer Prague Package

As many wedding photography locations as you’d like. We are with you for up to 6 hours. All your digital files, likely somewhere between 300 and 500+ photographs. Black and white or antique sepia conversion of some of your prints. Beautiful professional retouching using Photoshop on your pictures. We really take pride in our post production arts. Your photographs will be stunning. A classy on-line gallery of your best photographs… for your friends and family.

We will be with you for up to 6 hours
300-500+ digital photographs
Full post production on all images
Your top photos emailed to you within 5 days optimized for Facebook & easy sharing
A DVD with all your digital photographs
A custom online photo gallery with your best photos
You keep full rights to all your digital files and photos!

Call or email now to reserve your dates with The Prague Photographer – Wedding Photographer Prague


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6 × six =

Wedding Photographer Prague – Wedding Venues

Wedding Photographer Prague’s guild to some of the best Wedding venues in and around Prague. As a wedding photographer in Prague you get to see a lot of places to “tie the knot”. Some good, some great and some, well let’s just say, not so good. So I thought I would do some blog posts about some of the places.

But where to start? Well I guess it would only be right to start here: Zlatá Koruna. Which translates as “Golden Crown”. Why? Well because this is where I got married to my beautiful wife, Hana.

Zlata Koruna is a village in Southern Bohemia, near Český Krumlov. It is quite a small village of about 700 people. In the heart of the village is a beautiful monastery. You couldn’t ask for a better place for the ceremony to take place, you can even take a guided tour of the monastery either before or after. Any Prague Wedding Photographer would love to take a trip out there for the day, there are some great locations in and around the monastery to have your special day recorded and you are only a couple of millimetres away from Český Krumlov, a UNESCO world Heritage Site which in my opinion provides a perfect spot for the after party. If this wasn’t enough, we went with the dates 08-08-08 for the big day!! A date that even my bad memory will find difficult not to remember.

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2 + = eight

Portrait Photographer Prague – Portrait Photography tips

Being a Portrait Photographer in Prague, there are a lot of questions you get asked. I thought I would cover one of the popular ones today: What to wear for my portrait photograph?

Here is the short list:

  • Get your hair fixed.
  • Fix your colour, if it needs fixing. 
  • When styling your hair, please don’t try anything new. 
  • Wear more make-up than you think you need.
  • Wear something you feel like a million bucks in.
  • Be careful of anything patterned, especially stripes.
  • Bring more than one outfit


For the men that are reading this, no Lady would need this explaining, yes we do wear our hair. And for most of us it is something that we do not have a choice about if we were it or not (I did have one client were this was one of the decisions he had to make, we took some of each).  We do of cause have a choice as to how to wear it. Any Prague Portrait Photographer will tell you, please do not try anything new, now is really not the time.

I would recommend not wearing patterns or stripes, keep with plain colours. The general rule is if you have light hair, wear something dark, if you have dark hair, wear something lighter. Of course I would also recommend that you bring a couple of outfits. If nothing else it will help make it look like all of these great portrait photographers were not necessarily taken on the same day. In short wear an outfit that makes you feel good. Think of this as a REALLY HOT date. Which brings me to my last and possibly most important point.


And as far as this Portrait Photographer Prague’s opinion goes:

Break out your best undies!! Unless it’s a boudoir shoot nobody will see them, but you know you are wearing them and you know how they make you feel. So please do not come to have your portrait photographs taken on a wash day.


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9 − = three

Wedding Photographer Prague – Czech wedding traditions

Many Czech wedding traditions have its origins in the early times of Christianity. Frequent rituals were not to only guarantee happiness and many children, but also to protect against illness, hunger, children’s death as well as against quarrels, hate, and most importantly against the bad spirits or ghosts. Other traditions were merely of a symbolic character. They were meant to document important events such as loss of virginity and a beginning of a new period of life. At times, it was a hidden appeal to the newly-weds, to hold together during good and bad times. You of course do not have to, as many don’t, have all or any of these as part of your big day, but you see them pop up from time to time, not surprising the last one is the one you see the most. As a wedding photographer Prague it is difficult to know which to follow at this point, the Bride or the Groom. I usually offer to be the get-away driver for the kidnappy party

Flower Petals Sprinkle

Flower girls, usually nieces of the engaged couple or friends’ daughters traditionally walk in front of the wedding procession leading them to the church to sprinkle flower petals. This is in its origin a pagan tradition. The flowers were to attract a goddess of fertility. This is of course a wedding photographers dream, in Prague or anywhere, close up of petals, and sweet flower girls are a great addition to any wedding album

Haul In

Friends of the groom will prop a rope in front of the church after the ceremony. The rope is decorated not only by flowers and ribbons but also with empty bottles. The newlyweds are only allowed to continue in their way, after the groom pays himself out. This way, the groom pays himself out of the sins of his youth.

Flower Bouquet Toss

The bride throws the flower bouquet over her left shoulder once she leaves the church or town hall into a crowd of single women. The lucky lady who catches the bouquet is the next one to get married. Of course a great action shot of the bouquet in flight is a shot that any wedding photographer would love to catch, but be careful where you stand, or you could end up at the bottom of a pile of beautiful single Czech women if you are anywhere near the landing zone.

Breaking the Plate

At the beginning of the Czech wedding reception, a plate is broken at the feet of the bride and groom and they must sweep the chips together. This tradition has its roots in two superstitions; that chips bring happiness and the newlyweds show a will to cooperate by jointly sweeping the chips away and their marriage will therefore be harmonious.

Eating the soup jointly

At the wedding reception, the bride and groom are joined by being covered in a large cloth symbolizing unity, and then finish a bowl of soup using one spoon to symbolize cooperation. Another meaning, which may be even more substantial, is the symbol of the joint loaf of bread, from which it’s necessary to take and give by equal part to each other. Because of this concise symbolism, this tradition is still widely popular nowadays. Another great shot for the album, a perfect moment for a wedding photographer to capture, of intimacy and (usually) laughter.

Kidnapping the Bride

This tradition symbolizes a woman’s separation from her parents and a transition to a new living community. When the reception is almost over, friends of the newlyweds kidnap the bride and whisk her off to hide out in a bar somewhere. It is then the groom’s jobs to find his new bride, while the kidnappers consumers as much as they can to pass the time away. If the groom finds her, he is obliged to pay the bill as a certain way of ransom for the bride, he intends to get back. But make sure to find her quickly, or it can get quite expensive.

So if you are thinking about getting married in Prague, maybe it will be nice to add some Czech traditions. But whether you will or not, congratulation and good luck!! And of course don’t forget to invite me as you Wedding Photographer Prague

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× 8 = sixteen

Portrait Photographer Prague – Holiday Time!

July was Holiday time for me. Croatia, what a beautiful place. And a great chance for me to get my camera out and have some fun with it. Not that being a Portrait Photographer Prague isn’t fun, but your holiday is your holiday and of course you always want to have some nice memories from it. Here are a few images that I thought you might like:

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five + 8 =


So here is the new site, this one has this news sections, so I can post new photography session and anything else that might come to mind! I hope you like the site

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six − 4 =